Describes the three biggest risks to coffee farmers, and what consumers need to know when buying their coffee.
The Risks Coffee Farmers Face Every Day – What a Consumer Needs to Know

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and for good reason. It's delicious! But many people don't think about where their coffee comes from, or the risks that coffee farmers face every day. In this blog post, we will discuss three of the biggest risks to coffee farmers, and what consumers need to know when buying their coffee.
The first risk coffee farmers face is climate change. Coffee is a tropical crop, which means it thrives in warm, wet conditions. But as the climate changes, coffee farmers are seeing more extreme weather conditions, like droughts and floods. This can ruin an entire crop and leave farmers without any income for the year.
The second risk coffee farmers face is pests and diseases. Again, because coffee is a tropical crop, it is susceptible to pests and diseases that can destroy an entire crop. One of the most devastating diseases is coffee rust, which has already destroyed crops in Central America. Farmers are also having to deal with new pests, like the coffee berry borer, which is difficult to control.
The third risk coffee farmers face is low prices. Coffee prices have been volatile in recent years, and this can make it difficult for farmers to plan for the future. When prices are low, farmers may not be able to afford to buy new trees or invest in other farm improvements. This can lead to a vicious cycle, where low prices lead to lower quality coffee, which leads to even lower prices.
So what can consumers do to help coffee farmers? The most important thing is to buy fair trade coffee. Fair trade coffee, such as The Great Coffee Project's Peru Single Origin is coffee that is certified to have been produced in conditions that are fair to the farmers. This means that the farmers have been paid a fair price for their coffee, and that they have been treated fairly throughout the production process. When you buy fair trade coffee, you can be sure that the farmers who grew your coffee are getting a fair price for their work.
The next time you reach for a cup of coffee, think about the farmers who grew it, and the risks they face every day. And make sure you buy fair trade coffee to support them. Thank you!