Single Origin

These beans come from a single coffee-producing farm or collective and offer a richer taste that reflects its natural terroir. Take your pick - the Mexican offers sweet chocolate and caramel notes, while our Ugandan coffee evokes red cherry fruit flavors. With just one cup of this delightful drink, you'll never want to go back to an ordinary cup of joe again!
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Best Sellers

Our bestsellers page is a compilation of our most popular products. From coffee to merchandise, these are the items that people love and purchase most often. Whether you're a coffee lover or looking for the perfect gift, our bestsellers page has something for everyone! If you're looking for something special, be sure to check it out!
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Organic Coffee

You couldn't ask for a more environment-friendly coffee. We provide you with the perfect morning pick-me-up without any worry of chemicals or pesticides, because we care enough to take care of our planet and your health.  We encourage alternative growing methods that use shade, crop rotation, and co-location of other fruits and flowering plants to enrich the soil and protect the environment.
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Flavored Coffee

We fresh roast this coffee and then use perfectly portioned 100% natural oils to perfectly flavor the beans.  With this method, every bag is consistently flavored and we ensure that there is never a bitter after-taste like most flavored coffee. 

Never overpowering - just crisp, clean flavors to start your day.      

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Blended Coffee

These coffees are combinations of sustainably grown and ethically sourced beans to create special, unique flavors consistently.  You'll love the roast of these blends that offer special blends like a traditional breakfast blend, our dark Italian roast, and our half-caff variety.  only by blending a mix of carefully selected beans can we offer these familiar favorites!
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Coffee Pods compatible with K-Cup Machines

Are you a coffee lover who's always on the go? Do you often find yourself wishing you could enjoy a fresh, delicious cup of coffee wherever you are? Well, now you can! With our coffee pods compatible with K-Cup machines, you can take your favorite beverage with you wherever you go.

Our pods are filled with fresh-roasted coffee and packed by hand to ensure the highest quality. They're also sealed to preserve freshness and flavor, and shipped the next day to guarantee maximum freshness. Plus, they're easy to use - just pop one into a K-Cup machine and enjoy!

So if you're looking for a convenient, delicious way to enjoy fresh-roasted coffee anywhere, look no further!
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